
Friday, June 14, 2013


Hey all, thanks for checking out the Blog. I just got this underway, so please bear with me on the learning curve.  I will generally be posting links to articles, video, whatever, that could relate to the customs or international law side of international business transactions.  This blog is going to be semi-serious, though I am not a big adherer to strict rules regarding traditional writing styles or grammar (I'd rather be understood in an international context than correct in the eyes of Messrs. Strunk and White).

The articles will generally follow the format of:

Issue: Subject of the post, and what my initial view on the topic is
Nitty-Gritty: This is the part of the blog that will be a deeper dig on the academic, regulatory, or legal side of things. If you are already very familiar with the topic, you may be able to gloss over most of it.
 If International Trade is actually your business and you don't care about the implications of Article 56 and Collective Self Defense, but whether you can still buy your rugs from Damascus because of this, then this is the important part for you.

Topics- First words of the title will give you the general subject matter of the post. Areas on my hit-list:

Trade Law- Usually dealing with trade agreements or international bodies. may not immediately affect the legal or business aspects of your day-to-day, but topics that may alter your longer term shipping or sourcing strategies

ICL (International Contract Law)- How you write the contract, with who, using what system.... really can make or break the trade.

Customs Compliance- Fun little tidbits and revelations on U.S. and some international customs thresholds, tariffs, duties, etc. Developments regarding DDTC, HSUS,ITAR/EAR, etc.

Banking Compliance- I wont generally go here, but some stuff, like FCPA, BSA or AML advancements can alter how you conduct your trade practices.

Fx- I'm not going to get all quant on you here, but knowing how currencies weaken or strengthen, price of crude oil's affect on shipping costs, etc. when you are buying your products overseas can alter how they could be classified or whether they are more cost effective now from a different country with less favorable customs deals.

Economics- Although Hayek beats Keynes, Econ labeled posts will be more about what central banks and governments are doing that could disrupt trade, make their goods more expensive to buy.... all that fun stuff.

Shipping- How you ship your goods, what you use, ocean carrier advancements, trade lanes and ports

My background:

I recently graduated with both my J.D. and my M.B.A. where I spent three years really studying and drilling down all things I could find that would relate to international trade (specifically customs and shipping and the legal/finance grounding required for both). It is my passion and I hope to be able to share it with anyone who might care to understand it.

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